Pollock-Krasner Foundation. Through the generosity of Lee Krasner, the Pollock-Krasner Foundation provides resources for artists. “Their support has been a phenomenal springboard for advancing my work. I am forever grateful to Lee Krasner and Jackson Pollock.” You can visit the foundation’s site here.

The Villa Lena Foundation. This foundation supports artists through focused time for research through their Artist’s Residency Program. Anderson participated in their program in Tuscany, Italy, in 2022. “Thanks to the VLF, I windmilled between art making in Palaia and focused study in Firenze. Everything and every day during my month-long residency proved inspiring.” You can visit their site here.

The Sustainable Arts Foundation. This foundation supports artists and writers with children. “A Sustainable Arts Foundation grant was instrumental in helping secure a press for my studio. SAF co-founders Caroline Grant and Tony Grant have forever since been cheerleaders and friends.” You can visit their site here.

The Puffin Foundation Ltd. This foundation supports artists whose work falls outside of the mainstream. “A Puffin Foundation grant helped fund my first research trip to Glacier National Park. While perched on a steep mountain slope and sketching Thunderbird Glacier, I realized that I had found my calling and my life’s work. I cannot thank the Puffin Foundation enough.” You can visit their site here.

Nemo Equipment. “From Africa to the Arctic, their gear has kept me alive. Simple, light, and strong.” You can visit their site here.

National Science Foundation and the United States Antarctic Program. Dedicated to promoting the progress of science and international cooperation. “America’s second best idea…”

The United States National Park Service. “As the documentarian Ken Burns stated, ‘America’s best idea.’”